Friday, May 15, 2009

Reading Bribery

Reading his book assignment every night isn't exactly Ryan's idea of a good time. As a mater of fact, he does everything in his power to get out of reading. He's faked sick, faked sleep, whined, cried and even thrown a fit or two to try and wear me down. Sorry kiddo- we still need to read.

Those of you who know Wes, understand how much he dislikes video games. They're a waste of time as far as he's concerned. Last year, I bought myself a Wii and a Wii Fit to motivate myself to excercise more. I thought the yoga would be fun to try. (Since running on the treadmill is not an option with Ryan and Kate around- I got tired of trying to dodge the toys they threw at me.)

Anyway, I told Ryan that we could probably talk Dad into letting him have Wii time if he would read as soon as he gets home. So far, so good. Wes agreed that he gets fifteen minutes to play for each book he passes off. Ryan loves it! Reading is no longer a fight (most days), and Katelyn gets time for reading too- we are hoping to improve her eye hand coordination.
Here's Ryan concentrating while Katelyn takes a turn. Do you think the tongue steering will help Katelyn?
This is the new game that Ryan earned for reading- on sale for 14.99 at Best Buy- what a deal! This game was reccommended by the sales person for younger kids. It's fun for them to learn to use the remote and nunchuck while driving around collecting points. Everybody wins and you don't get killed when you make a mistake. PERFECT- for us!

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