Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Letter

It often times seems unfair that the harder you work to better yourself, the bigger price you pay. Let me explain a little using a recent experience.

It's not a secret that I was once younger than I am now and VERY dumb. I ended up divorced with three really great kids to care for on my own. I say on my own because unless I was able to find where out where their dad was working, the state made no efforts to seek him out to collect child support. (Oh, and it took me nearly a year to save the $50 required by the state to instate a garnishment on his wages.) BLAH-BLAH, long story short- this has not been easy at times.

Along the way, I met a really sweet guy (who I love very much!) and he was more than happy to take on the role of substitute father. Truly a blessing in my life.

Through the years, I've made every effort to learn and better myself. (Busted my behind if you will.) I managed to earn a really great job that I love and it pays well too. (Okay- that may sound like I'm bragging, but it isn't intended that way- bear with me.)

Where does all this hard work get me in relation to the fore mentioned days of stupid???? Well, let me tell you- I get a bigger share of the support bill for Hunter! I'm not complaining about paying more, I love the kid. BUT- the ex has done nothing to better himself. Alcohol (and probably still drugs), bouncing from job to job, trouble with the law, whining about how difficult his life is, wah-wah. Something about assaulting an officer and going to rehab instead of facing the music- Now he claims that he is incapable of working and reports zero income. (Funny- He told Hunter that he works at Cal Ranch...)

Now comes the kicker- since he is so poor and pathetic, the state reduces his share of the child support to a whopping $48!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that???? Outrageous! I work hard and earn more so he can pay less- What's that about?????? Hunter suggested that I just send a thank you card.

You can see that all of this did not sit well with me- until the letter.

The Letter-

Dear Dad,

I just wanted to thank you for your continued lack of support and disregard for my care. It has taught me something very important- others love me.

I have the privilege of having the best father in the world. I work with him. He teaches me about hard work, respect and honesty. I have also learned how to be responsible by watching him. He respects me and our family. He gives me the things I need, and gets me some extra special things too.

The best part about it is that no one told him he had to take care of me and teach me to be a responsible man. He did it because he wanted to and because he loves me. I hope when I grow up, I'm just like him.

Thank you for the opportunity that you gave me- to see the world with open eyes and to decide for myself the example that I want to follow.

...I guess life is fair after all


  1. Wow!! What a fantastic letter from Hunter. I always knew Wes was out there somewhere just waiting for you to find him. What's unfortunate, is that Rick will never understand a thing written in that letter, sad isn't it. Hunts always been a favorite of mine,even if he doesn't fit under my arm any more, he still fits in my heart. He's a lucky young man to have Wes in his life and I'm glad he knows it!

  2. Hunter is lucky to have Wes, and you are all lucky to have Hunter. He's a pretty great kid. His dad is really missing out on a lot that he will never get back. It sucks. I know. Love Kate and Ryan's pictures on the farm-but it sure makes me homesick. Your house is looking GREAT!!! So close!
