Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So last fall I started playing BUNCO for the first time. I've heard of other groups playing for years but had never been invited to play. I was so excited to play! The group I play with is a bunch of really talented, gorgeous, fun young ladies. Most of them have spouses that work with me at Malt-O-Meal. Rikki even joined us. It's nice to get her out of the house and spend some time with her once a month.

The first time we played I even won the big prize for having the most BUNCOS! It was so cute.. Julie made a wooden display that said WITCH... the I is a witch and the H is a cat. I've already put it away or I'd post a picture. All the prizes have been way cute! AND the food has been outstanding as well. Last month, Stephanie made a chicken and vegetable chowder type soup that was to die for. I can't wait until she shares the recipe!

Wes gives me a really hard time over it all. He teases and reminds me not to stay out too late, or tells me to have fun with my little friends and stay out of trouble. He's such a smart alec!

I look forward to playing every month. It's tons of fun! The only bad thing in all of it is that I am the OLD person there. Everyone else is newlywed or just starting their families. It's kinda weird. Last month we found out that there are now four ladies in our group that are expecting. Someone at that point piped up and suggested that we all should have babies! NOT! I just don't think that would be a great plan for me! It bites being the oldest sometimes.
Anywho, I have BUNCO at my house in July and September. I get two months since Rikki doesn't have a lot of room at her place. (The things we do for our kids!) I desperately need ideas for themes, food and prizes. Any suggestions would be welcome!


  1. Whoop whoop for Bunko!!! And we love having you in our group!! Even though you think that you are "old" haha
