Monday, February 22, 2010

The Last Piece

Ryan called me at work yesterday- just devastated. He and Katelyn had been working on a puzzle together. She got to put in the last piece. Apparently this was enough to send him over the edge and call me to be consoled. I suggested that he remove a piece and put it back in. This was not good enough. He called it a "redo".

It's funny how the last piece is such a big thing...


  1. Hey, they are really lucky the last piece was actually there. How often have we put an old puzzle together to find that one last piece was missing. Bummer. Have you made any lollipops yet? Glad you had a good time in Minnesota, too.

  2. That's a bummer. Maybe they can work on another one and Katelyn will let him put the last piece in.

  3. Hope all went well today, and you had a wonderful service for Yetta. I know she will be missed greatly. How wonderful to know that the next time you see her she will be well and whole. What a blessing for us to have that knowledge. Give Wes my love, and Reed too.
