Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Gradutuity- (grăjʹu-too-it-tee) n. 1. An appetizer. 2. The stuff added to the bottom of your bill at a restaurant. v. The point in your life when you pay the bill for a meal instead of your parents.

Hunter learned a little something on his first date. When they add "gradutuity" (which is not an appetizer that he didn't get) on to your bill for a table of eight- you don't need to leave a $5 tip too! Wes tried to give him advice for the night, but he claimed to know all- no questions! Bet that waiter was pretty happy!


  1. Hey, we all learn some lessons the hard way. Eating out isn't the same when mom and dad aren't footing the bill.

  2. Kari, I always enjoy reading your quotes of the week. It tells me you are always reading.
